the pinta|the pinta in English

one of the three ships commanded by Christopher Columbus on the 1492 voyage that led to the discovery of North America

Use "the pinta|the pinta" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "the pinta|the pinta" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "the pinta|the pinta", or refer to the context using the word "the pinta|the pinta" in the English Dictionary.

1. Axiomin mukana toimitetaan pinta- ja ripustustelineasennussarjat, asennustarvikkeet, virta-/datakaapeli ja asennusohjeet

2. Muita Alveolien toimintoja ovat keuhkojen pinta-aktiivisten aineiden, entsyymien ja hormonien tuotanto

3. Brasilian liittotasavalta eli Brasilia on Etelä-Amerikan suurin valtio sekä pinta-alaltaan että asukasluvultaan

4. Alveolien pinta-ala on yli 1006 neliömetriä (100 neliömetriä)

5. Students are taught that Columbus is the one who discovered the Americas, sailing across the Atlantic in his three ships: The Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria.

6. Under the direction of Mr. Salvatore Cucchiara, Managing Director, pinta will bring its innovative materials and knowhow of insulation and acoustics management to the Mobility and Transportation markets.

7. Christopher Columbus - Christopher Columbus - The first voyage: The ships for the first voyage—the Niña, Pinta, and Santa María—were fitted out at Palos, on the Tinto River in Spain

8. Alveolien yhteispinta-ala on hyvin suuri; jos alveolit levitettäisiin ta-saiseksi, niiden pinta-ala riittäisi peittämään puolet tenniskentästä

9. Our acoustic and noise control products can be configured for effective solutions in virtually any setting – from recording studios and offices to industrial assembly lines. pinta acoustic's wall panels, ceiling tiles, baffles and noise barrier composites deliver excellent performance and sound absorption characteristics.

10. Kaupungin pinta-ala on 174 neliökilometriä ja asukasluku noin 570 000 (2010). Aracaju sijaitsee 350 kilometrin päässä Salvadorista ja 276 kilometrin päässä Maceiósta.Kaupunki on tunnettu maan koillisosalle tyypillisistä rannoistaan ja korkeasta elintasostaan.

11. ‘Trahe aquam de eodem lapide per Alembicum, & cum illa aqua solve lapidem per Alembicum, & cum illa aqua solve lapidem infinitum, sed solve per modicum & aqua non suffoces incontinenti, quia si rectè regatur cum aquae pinta una facies, si volueris, aquae quantitatem infinitam.’ Ripley (1649, p

12. Tilat, jotka eivät liity suoraan keuhkojen toimintaan, voivat myös johtaa Alveolien ja kapillaarien välisen käytettävissä olevan pinta-alan vähenemiseen.Esimerkiksi veritulppa keuhkojen valtimossa (keuhkoembolia) voi johtaa siihen, että alveoleihin tuodaan hiilimonoksidia joita ei voida siirtää valtimon toimittamiin kapillaareihin.

13. The Wharf of the Caravels (Spanish: Muelle de las Carabelas) is a museum in Palos de la Frontera, in the province of Huelva, autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain.Its most prominent exhibits are replicas of Christopher Columbus's boats for his first voyage to the Americas, the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa María.These were built in 1992 for the Celebration of the Fifth

14. The higher the level of the character than the mob, the smaller the Aggro

15. The lawyers, the judges, the policemen, the doctors, the engineers, the civil servants -- those are the leaders.

16. The higher the resolution, the smoother the curves and the sharper the lines become.

17. The lower the number, the higher the priority.

18. The results revealed the stress concentration on the roots connected to the Barbules and the feather shaft: the greater the distance to the tip of the Barbules, the smaller the effect.

19. The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The Baddie Doctor The

20. The show, the pressure, the groupies, the autograph hounds, the crew.

21. The external carotid artery; The triangles of the neck; The internal carotid artery; The Arteries of the brain; The Arteries of the upper extremity The subclavian artery; The axilla

22. The Kiosk @ The Chippy The Kiosk @ The Chippy


24. The music, the fashions, the attitudes, the beefs...

25. The hot and the cold. The left and the right. The reverent and the irreverent!